15- Homecorner 過家家 煮飯仔 生活角色扮演

Extending our natural toys into a range of home corner products. The wooden items are food safe and can be used for real food.

When wood starts to dry out just refresh it by wiping it with coconut or olive oil. 

澳洲Papoose Toys, 超級可愛充滿童趣嘅玩具😍
可以做廚房玩具,配合開放式小件,訓練手眼協調 😎

重點係擺喺個玩具櫃度超靚! 顏值控媽媽必入! 😌 柚木製造,柚木喺「萬木之王」,小朋友大個咗,Homecorner系列

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