Papoose Toys

Come and explore the whimsical wonderland by Papoose Toys®, Australia! With the mission and vision of connecting children with nature through open-ended play, Renske Carbone founded Colours of Australia in 1991. Papoose specialises in handmade, fair trade, natural wool and wooden toys. The play materials are aesthetically pleasing, educational, and 100% child safe. 

My first encounter with Papoose Toys® was when I was working in Australia as an early childhood professional years ago. I still remember how I was intrigued by the indigenous musical instruments, hand and finger puppets and felted balls and toy food, so were the preschoolers and babies that I took care for! I didn't know they were from Papoose until I started researching for Australian owned (and made) toy companies. I am truly pleased and thrilled to be able to represent Papoose Toys®, bringing their best products, which also signify little pieces of reminiscence of my learning journey and adventure back in Australia to you, my fellow mummies and daddies of Free Little Bees, Hong Kong! : ]

1991年,倫斯克.卡蓬從澳大利亞Curtin University(WA)科廷大學獲得藝術學位後,創建了澳大利亞Colours公司及Papoose Toys品牌,專注於打造純手工製作和自然色彩的產品,她對色彩和質地的熱愛影響了她的設計精神,她的設計簡單而獨特。

自2006年以來,Papoose Toys關注並重點投入到教育功能玩具的開發,這些玩具一定程度上受到了魯道夫·施泰納(Rudolf Steiner)和華德福(Waldorf)教育哲學的啟迪。在滿足客戶的要求與期望下,Papoose Toys追求的匠藝是獨特的,材料本身對孩子都是自然的、安全的,讓孩子能沉浸在數小時的頭腦、手指的身心樂趣的遊戲和學習中。

Papoose Toys使命是通過為孩子們創造開放延續的, 非規定標準性的玩具,來豐富孩子的身心, 同時為正在尋找可持續的, 生態友好和自然的教育玩具的廣大教師和家長們, 提供資源與幫助。

作為國際品牌,Papoose Toys正致力於成為高品質手工製作的全天然幼兒玩教具的必選,通過盡可能減少碳足跡產生等種種做法,來確保我們的產品可以讓孩子們安全地進行玩耍。
Papoose Toys
From $200.00
Papoose Toys
From $200.00
Papoose Toys
From $200.00
Papoose Toys
From $200.00
Papoose Toys
From $200.00
Papoose Toys
From $200.00
Papoose Toys
From $200.00
Papoose Toys
Regular price $240.00
Papoose Toys
Regular price $240.00
Papoose Toys
Regular price $240.00