英國 Nana’s Manners 嬰幼兒學習分隔餐碟 Weaning Suction and Sections Plate

Nana's Manners

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【英國Nana’s Manners 國⺠兒童餐具 - 嬰幼兒學習分隔餐碟】

🚀 Nana's Manners 所有訂購以【順豐到付】分開發出, 不參加包郵。

🚀 All orders of Nana's Manners will be delivered separately through SF Express  postage paid on delivery. 


👍 底部⼤吸盤防滑設計,不易滑動,讓BLW嬰幼兒可⾃⾏使⽤,建立信⼼,學習⾃主進食。

👍 三個分隔部分的尺⼨適合嬰幼兒的⽤餐份量。

👍 有些⼩朋友不喜歡將食物混合食,分隔盤的設計就最好不過了。

👍 鮮明顏⾊漂亮設計,讓幼兒愛上吃飯。

安全標準: 所有產品符合國際安全標準,包括F.D.A等等。


使⽤洗碗機清洗時,請放置最上層碗架清洗 (⼿洗則更耐⽤)


尺⼨:約 22cm x 20cm x 4cm

物料:BPA,Phthalate and PVC free,100% food grade silicone


學習使⽤餐具 - 由Nana’s Manners 開始!

 🧡在英國,Nana’s Manners 產品被指定為學⽣在學校和托兒所時使⽤的餐具,是教育界對 Nana’s Manners 產品的信任和肯定。

🧡 NHS (國⺠健康服務) 是英國的公共資助醫療保健系統,⽽Nana's Manners 產品為NHS認可及 購買使⽤!

🧡 兒科醫⽣及職業治療師同樣推薦Nana’s Manners 產品。

🧡 Nana’s Manners 每年獲得的獎項無數,⽽且全是業界重量級獎項,包括Mother&Baby Awards (Best Feeding Product for Weaning) 、Junior Design Awards、Made For Mums Awards、Progressive Preschool Awards 等等,獲得此等獎項的多為⼤型品牌。


【UK Nana’s Manners Suction and Sections Plate】

Special Design for children with little hands:

⭐ The suction base will grip securely to the table to support children at mealtimes. 

⭐  The 3 compartments making food introduction easier and allowing picky eaters to keep food from touching.

⭐  Colorful options will increase the children's interest at mealtimes.

Safety Standard:

All products meet the International Safety Standard, including F.D.A.

Cleaning and care:

Top-rack dishwasher safe (hand-wash can be more durable).

Stains can be removed by warm soapy water, water with lemon, or hot water with bicarbonate of soda.


About 22cm x 20cm x 4cm


BPA,Phthalate and PVC free,100% food grade silicone


Start using cutlery; Start using Nana’s Manners!

⭐ Many nurseries and primary schools across the United Kingdrom now use our products as multi purpose learning tools.

⭐ Nana’s Manners are used and recommended by the UK’s National Health Service.

⭐ Nana’s Manners products are used and endorsed by Occupational Therapists and Paediatric medical professionals across the United Kingdom.

⭐ Nana’s Manners has received numerous awards annually, and they are all significant awards in the industry including: Mother & Baby Awards (Best Feeding Product for Weaning), Junior Design Awards, Made For Mums Awards, Progressive Preschool Awards