Bumbu Toys | Bridges

Bumbu Toys

Regular price $345.00

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Eight-piece wooden bridge stack.
Small pieces can be used to cover the grooves between successive bridges. The springs can be stacked and balanced, thus initiating balance games. Children will enjoy using curved parts by driving vehicles over them but also underneath, using them as bridges or shelters for smaller toys or even as fences. or walls for farms and cities.

The surface of colored pieces, unlike oiled ones, is matte, making them less slippery and easier to stack. This also ensures a rich sensory experience for the child.

BumbuToys toys are carefully crafted following the Waldorf and Montessori philosophies that encourage children to discover independent creative play.

Made of solid maple wood, the toy is finished with 100% NON-toxic paints and organic oils that retain the natural characteristics of the wood.

Romanian wood FSC certified.

Size: 35 x 6 x 8 cm

Safety: Handmade in Romania with pure wood and NON TOXIC finishes EN 71 standards

Targeted developmental skills: Imagination, Intelligence, Visual sense, Tactile sense, Social skills

High quality and Open-ended: This can be used as a decorative element and as an interactive, educational toy in narrative, story-telling. It allows learning through play, and can facilitate creativity and emotional development. 

Eco-friendly: 100% Recyclable materials    

Recommended age: 3 years + 

*The product is made of solid wood, minimally processed to preserve as much of its texture and natural properties. Unlike plastic, wood is a non-uniform natural material that often has growth rings or knots, color spots or rough areas. These are NOT DEFECTIVE and DO NOT CONSTITUTE REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT - they are distinctive signs that guarantee the natural origin of the product and give uniqueness to each toy, telling the story of the tree from which it was made.